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Shodan Grading Written Assessment
1. Write Karate-Do in Japanese calligraphy.
2. Name 5 blocks in English and Japanese.
3. Name 5 kicks in English and Japanese.
4. Name 5 hand attacks in English and Japanese.
5. Name 5 stances in English and Japanese.
6. Explain ways to increase power
in karate techniques.
7. What is the meaning of Karate?
8. What is the meaning of Shotokan?
9. Summarise the importance of Anko Itosu
and Gichin Funakoshi to the history of Karate.
10. Name another martial artist who has inspired
your training and give reasons why.
11. Why is insurance important for
both instructors and students?
12. What is your favourite of the five
Dojo Kun and why?
13. What is your favourite of
Funakoshi's 20 precepts and why?
14. Explain the 'Do' in Karate-Do
15. Explain the reason for having different
colour belts or ranks
16. Why do you want to become
a Black Belt in Karate?
Shodan Grading Syllabus
Kihon: (Basic Techniques)
All Kihon techniques are performed from Jiyu-Dachi.
1. Kizame-Zuki, Suri-Ashi, Gyaku-Zuki x3
Turn – same back
2. Kizame-Zuki, Oi-Zuki x3
Turn – same back
3. Oi-Zuki, Suri-Ashi, Kizame-Zuki x3
Turn – same back
4. Oi-Zuki, Suri-Ashi, Gyaku-Zuki x3
Turn – same back
5. Kizame-Zuki, Oi-Zuki, Suri-Ashi, Gyaku-Zuki x2
Turn – same back
6. Any Zuki Combination
Turn – same back
7. Gyaku-Zuki, Mae-Geri x3
Turn – same back
8. Gyaku-Zuki, Yoko-Geri-Kekomi x3
Turn – same back
9. Ushiro-Geri, Uraken Uchi, Gyaku-Zuki x3
Turn – same back
10. Mae-Geri, Yoko-Geri Kekomi, Mawashi-Geri,
Ushiro-Geri, Uraken-Uchi, Gyaku-Zuki x1
Turn – same back
11. Any Geri Combination
Turn – same back
12. Stationary Kicking: Mae-Geri, Yoko-Geri,
Mawashi-Geri, Ushiro-Geri x3
Both legs
Candidate chooses from:
Jion, Kanku-Dai, Enpi, Hangetsu,
Examiner chooses from:
Bassai-Dai, Tekki Shodan, Heian Katas 1-5
and Taikyoku Shodan.
Jiyu-Kumite. Format and number of rounds
to be decided by the examiner.
Demonstration of five self-defence techniques
Demonstration of five Kata applications
This is where the
Crouching Tiger Shodan Syllabus ends
and our Nidan Syllabus begins.
Crouching Tiger Karate
Shotokan Karate Colour Belt Syllabus
click here for a printable version
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