Dear Parents and Karateka,
Thank you very much to everyone that made the Online Inter-Dojo Cup so special last weekend. We had over 90 competitors which is a record high attendance. Congratulations to St. Margaret’s, who won the Inter-Dojo Cup, with a special mention to the ’Schools’ Dojo which came a close second. Many thanks to all who made a donation to the CW+ charity in honour of Motik O’Mahony. I will be in touch with the charity this week to find out the total amount that we raised and I look forward to reporting on that in my next email.
Easter Holiday Outdoor Classes
From Monday 29th March we will be offering face-to-face classes! We will be running outdoor classes on the following days and locations over the Easter Holidays:
Moor Mead - St. Margaret’s - Monday 29/3, 5/4 and 12/4 at 4:30pm
Richmond Park - Monday 29/3, 5/4 and 12/4 at 5:30pm
Duke’s Meadows, Chiswick - Tuesday 30/3, 6/4 and 13/4 at 4:30pm
Kew Green - Wednesday (4:30pm) and Sunday (10:00am) 31/3, 7/4, 11/4, 14/4 and 18/4
Palewell Park, Sheen - Thursday 1/4, 8/4, 15/4 at 4:30pm
Mortlake Green - Saturday 3/4, 10/4, 17/4 at 2:00pm
Kickboxing at Mortlake Green - Saturday 3/4, 10/4, 17/4 at 3:15pm
Putney Common - Wednesday 7/4 and 14/4 at 2:30pm
The booking spreadsheet has been emailed to all members. It is the same system that we had in place last Summer: you can just add your name to the sessions that you want to register for and then pay the £10 class fee by direct transfer.
Classes are suitable for all grades and ages. We will aim to keep a ratio of 5 children to one instructor and we will separate the groups by age and experience.
If the sessions are full then please add your name to the waiting list at the side and we will do our best to arrange another instructor or schedule another session.
All classes cost £10 per one hour session.
Please pay by online transfer before the class starts.
If you need to cancel then please take your name off at least 24 hours before the session. If you cancel on the day then you will be asked to pay the class fee in full.
If you have trouble editing the spreadsheet then please feel free to email me and I can register you or your child.
We have loved all the Zoom classes this term but we are even more excited to get back to face-to-face classes. We hope to see you all over the Easter holidays and/or back in the dojos next term.
Best wishes, Sensei Ben Pethick 020 8560 5267 07734 655 057 ben@crouchingtigerkarate.co.uk www.crouchingtigerkarate.co.uk