Dear Parents and Karateka,
We hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend!
We are looking forward to restarting our classes from tomorrow, Wednesday 20th April (there are no classes in Putney this afternoon).
We have some exciting events planned this term. Dates are being finalised for the Inter-Dojo Cup, gradings and summer fair demonstrations and we will be in touch again soon when all these dates are confirmed.
Please see below for a reminder of our term dates. If you have not yet paid for the summer term then please arrange a transfer as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
CTK Team
The Summer Term will start on Wednesday 20th April
Half Term: 30th May - 4th June
Last Class: Tuesday 12th July
Summer Term Registration:
Please ensure that your term fees are paid before the Summer Term commences on Wednesday 20th April.
30 minute class per week: £100
45 minute class per week: £110
60 minute class per week: £120
If you train 2 or more Classes Per Week:
2 x 45 minute classes per week: £165
2 x 60 minute classes per week: £180
1 x 60 minute class and 1 x 45 minute class: £175
Please pay for your term fees by online transfer.