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Writer's pictureBen Pethick

Sensei Alex and Sensei Aimee

We would like to show our appreciation for two very special lead instructors, Sensei Alex and Sensei Aimee.

Sensei Alex recently changed his career after 10 years as a full-time Karate instructor. He started as a white belt assistant and despite injury setbacks he achieved his black belt in 2020. He has spearheaded our identity as a relaxed, approachable and unique club. For a decade Sensei Alex has been a leading light in our Karate community and we would like to thank him for all he has brought to Crouching Tiger Karate.

Sensei Aimee remains a member of our teaching team, but will not be seen as regularly while she is studying at university. Sensei Aimee started learning Karate at a very young age and has been part of Crouching Tiger Karate from its inception in 2008. She was recently promoted to 3rd Dan Black Belt. Even our students that were not directly taught by Sensei Aimee will know her from her excellent YouTube videos.

Both Sensei Alex and Sensei Aimee taught in all our online classes throughout the Covid lockdowns and stood by the club and our students throughout the most difficult circumstances. They brought happiness and inspiration to many of our students when they needed it the most.

It is rare to find people that naturally think of others before themselves but these two fine teachers have always prioritised their role as a teacher whilst maintaining high standards for themselves. I have learned a lot from both of them.

I am happy to say that both Sensei Alex and Sensei Aimee are still involved behind the scenes and despite not being there full-time we look forward to welcoming them through our dojo doors soon.

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